For all those who are affected themselves

Recognizing your situation is the first step towards a solution:

Listen to your gut feeling: If you don't feel well, there could really be something wrong. Take your feelings seriously.

You don't have to go through this alone: There are lots of people out there who can help you. There are many options for support in Germany. The services are usually free and anonymous.

Your life, your way: You alone decide what kind of support you need and when you are ready to take the next steps.

Here you will be supported

Our network partners and established players offer support in the search for a counseling center or a shelter:

Bundeshilfetelefon Logo © Bundeshilfetelefon
Federal help hotline "Violence against women"

The federal helpline "Violence against women" (Bundeshilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen) is a nationwide telephone counseling service for those affected by gender-based intimate partner violence. It is available around the clock at 116 016 - in 18 different languages.


bff Logo © bff
BFF - Women against violence e.V.

Here you can find help and support services in your area with the BFF (Bundesverband der Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe) counseling center search.

FHK Logo © fhk
FHK - Women's Shelter Coordination e.V.

The FHK (Frauenhauskoordinierung) supports women's shelters and specialist advice centers by providing information, exchange and networking. It offers a nationwide search for shelters and advice centers.

ZiF Logo © ZiF
ZIF - Central Information Point for Autonomous Women's Shelters

The Central Information Office for Autonomous Women's Shelters (ZIF) is also committed to improving the situation of those affected and their children with a great deal of expertise. The ZIF also offers a nationwide shelter search service.