The organizing alliance of the Berlin demonstration "Let us live (non-violently)! Implement the Istanbul Convention - NOW!" on 11/25/24 clearly demands: "We demand the implementation of the state action plan on a city-wide level and with the highest priority, without ifs and buts, with the assumption of responsibility and the necessary financial resources and NOW!" You can find the entire call action here. More information is available on the alliance's Instagram channel (see button below).

Call of the organizing alliance of the Berlin demonstration on 25 November

Call for the demonstration “Let us live (non-violently) - Implement the Istanbul Convention - NOW!” - 25.11.2024 at 4 pm, Berlin House of Representatives

Just a few years ago, a woman was murdered by her partner or ex-partner every 3rd day, now another woman dies every 2nd day.

In the current year 2024, 28 women have been killed by men in Berlin. Women and girls are not adequately protected in this country!

Whether at home, at work, at school, on the street or at the sports club - nowhere can women and girls really feel safe. 
From lewd remarks and physical assault to femicide, women and girls face various forms of violence and discrimination on a daily basis simply because they are women. 

Gender-based violence has been on the rise for years. 
But far too little is happening.

We are stunned and angry!

Even in the face of 28 femicides in Berlin this year alone, 
we are still waiting for the “consistent implementation of the Istanbul Convention” promised in the coalition agreement between the CDU Berlin and the SPD Berlin.

Over the past few years, a state action plan for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention has been drawn up by many experts. The plan contains more than 130 measures to offer prevention, protection and ways out of violence. However, implementation is still a long way off.

We demand that the fight against gender-based violence becomes a top priority in the state of Berlin NOW. 

We demand that the financial resources for the expansion of the infrastructure and the support system be increased and not fall victim to the need to save money.

We demand that all Senate administrations and especially the Governing Mayor take up this issue.

We demand the implementation of the state action plan NOW!

All departments of the Berlin Senate whose issues touch on those of the Istanbul Convention must participate in the implementation of the measures in terms of content and, above all, financially. From finance to health, anti-discrimination or justice - there is no Senate department that is not responsible here!

We demand that gender-based violence be seen by everyone for what it is: a massive violation of human rights.

We demand that responsibility be taken NOW! 

We are stunned and angry at how little a woman's life counts in this country. What would happen if a woman murdered a man every second day simply because he is a man? Politicians must finally take responsibility!

We are stunned and angry that high-ranking politicians prefer to work their way through the election campaign on gender stars instead of tackling issues where it is obviously necessary.

We are stunned and angry that the victims of gender-based violence are then also instrumentalized for racist campaigns, although it is clear that gender-based violence is a problem in every part of this society.

We demand the implementation of the state action plan on a city-wide level and with the highest priority, without ifs and buts, with the assumption of responsibility and the necessary financial resources, and we demand it NOW!

Joint guidelines for the demo

The aim of the joint demo on 11/25/24 in Berlin is to implement the state action plan for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

Now and not later, consistently and comprehensively and not with small projects.

Our common goal and the purpose of our work is a life without violence for all FLINTA affected by gender-based violence.

We are aware that there are many disputes within the Berlin infrastructure. Nevertheless, we would like to stand united for a common cause on 25.11.2024: To create structures in Berlin that effectively combat gender-based violence and support those affected.

On this occasion, we ask you to give this issue your full attention on this day and to put aside other issues for the moment, including those that may sometimes divide us.

We would therefore like to ask you to leave party flags and national flags at home, to refrain from advertising your own cause in favor of the common cause and to focus all your attention on combating gender-based violence.

We very much hope that we will succeed in organizing a joint, large demonstration that will unite us and not divide us. 

*The alliance explicitly distances itself from actors who want to use the demonstration or the topic to promote their own racist agenda. We forbid ourselves to "use" the women concerned in this sense, which is also violence and has no place at the demonstration.